Case #1: The person [demographically: always Female, in their 50s] who shouts "Thank you, DRIVER!" when getting off the bus. Now, I have no issue with extending the courtesy of a thanks... I do it myself when dropped off in the foggy Hinterlands or the driver is this one really nice black woman I like. But I ask: Why do these people add "driver" ?? You're calling "Thank you" towards the front of the bus... pretty sure the drivers can figure out it is they who are being addressed. Maybe these women just want to make sure the other passengers know that they aren't the ones being collectively thanked-- for providing in-transit companionship, say.
Case #2: The person [demographically: Asian Females, under 40; White Males, over 60] who wears a surgical mask in public, but has it DANGLING UNDER THEIR CHIN, AT THEIR THROAT. I have no qualms with geniuses who've figured out how to thwart swine flu... properly-worn masks are no more or less annoying than T-shirts printed to portray the wearer as having taken the radical, brave stance that they're opposed to cancer or AIDS. But why, I ask, would you strap a surgical mask around your ears in public-- out there amongst the unwashed masses-- and not have it cover your nose and mouth? Can only think of two reasons... again, let me know if there are any more.
REASON ONE: They're concerned an acquaintance they're due to meet with won't recognize them. Here I am, Steve! Thank god this surgical mask wasn't obscuring my facial features... you would've walked right by me!
REASON TWO: They only pull the mask back up into place when needed. Remarkably, they can see those pesky germs and microbes and viruses from a block away! Uh-oh... cloud of H1N1, dead ahead. MASK ON!! Uh-oh... that guy's about to cough. MASK ON!! Going into Macy's... think I'll wait and see...
Don't want to put my mask on prematurely.
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