Friday, September 25, 2009

Seventh-Inning Stretch

Okay, more like 'Top of the 9th'-- couldn't wait until after the Oct 1 Giants game I'll be attending to next write about the regular season. First off, I'd better get cracking and shoot a new photograph to accompany the Playoff Posts... yes, the glove & ball laying in the grass was taken by yours truly (in Sutro Heights Park)... it just looked like a stock photo. Also, I listened to last night's Giants-Cubs game... 2-1 lead in the 9th, and we end up losing 3-2. Rockies lost too, though (5-4 vs. Padres), so there's still that 1% chance of an SF Wild Card berth already written off by this blog long, long ago. Congrats to NY, Boston, Anaheim, Cards, Phils and-- regrettably-- the Dodgers. Still rooting for the Twins, but time's running out....
  The POINT of this post, however, is to share a transcribed quote I ran across last night. It's something former Giants broadcaster Joe Morgan said in 2006. Remember him? This moron was so universally loathed that there was an entire website devoted to discussing his foibles, gaffs, ticks; not to mention calls for his ousting. I found him annoying, too, but kept an ear tuned: you never know when even the inane might unintentionally drop a zen koan worthy of the Hall of Yogi. Here's what Joe Morgan said of a player at the plate (resulting in stunned silence from his co-worker in the booth, and probably everyone who was listening to KNBR at the time):

"Statistically, he's a better player than the statistics show."

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