Since Bertrand the Beagle was kind enough to model a fitted Las Vegas 51's cap for us, let's start today's rambling with a glance at the Pacific Coast League. The modern-day PCL can be summed up by the phrase (and rumored Brad Pitt film) "Moneyball"-- Oakland's AAA affiliate, the SACRAMENTO RIVERCATS, are 80-49, enroute to their THIRD Championship IN A ROW. We watched them beat the abovementioned Aliens in Sacramento in May. Big League stuff, as they say.
Up to the MLB: Mentioned pitching in Volume 3... I'd thought the topic would revolve around the 1-2-3 Giants punch of Lincecum, Cain & Johnson, but the lattermost is on the 60-DDL, and the healthy two have the misfortune to play for a team that (like last night) can be up 4-1 in the 14th and LOSE... on a goddamn grand slam. In goddamn Denver. Whoa, Eric! Stay focused!
This last weekend, we listened to the Red Sox / Yanks on ESPN Radio... Sabathia beat Beckett to 15 wins... CC's season-best is 19. Good luck, you big, huge badass. Still weird to see him in anything but an Indians uniform... of course, you CAN'T see that on the radio. Hey-- a closer gonna win the Cy Young again anytime soon? Such an underappreciated role....
Okay. I'm going to be out of town for much of early September, but there should be at least two more baseball posts before the Playoffs.
2009 WORLD SERIES PREDICTION: Phillies over the Yankees, in 6 games.
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