I told my wife I wouldn't use the baseball section of Frozen Fountains just to bitch about the Giants, but come on!! Even though there's one more game to play in their important series against the Dodgers, it's already over. Let's review: Sanchez gets the L in a 4-2 dud on Monday. His starts since the no-hitter have been so weak it makes you think no-hit games aren't always examples of great pitchers doing the otherworldly; sometimes, rather, it's an average pitcher basking in the binary starlight of statistical anomaly and an unimpressive opposing offense. But to be fair to the kid, SF hit into double play after double play after...
Yesterday's game was even worse: SF crushed 9-1 and beginning what will no doubt be a long, slow, quiet fade from the wild card race. Congrats on winning the West, Dodgers. Assholes.
I feel better now. And, yes, I'll probably watch Tim throw today (his first K will be #199).
Pujols jacked HR #37... anybody gonna chalk 60 this year? Don't think that's happened since the Year of Our Steroid 2001.
Yankees are first to reach 70 wins. 70-43. No comment.
ON DECK: The Champion Odds are pared down to eight teams, as promised.
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