Tuesday, November 17, 2009

NovUp #3

The Author and his New Haircut.
Oh, by the way-- having re-edited Part Two,
the Novel is now 76% done!


  1. What a dapper do. Glad to know your novel is almost finished. The longest story I ever wrote was unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how one looks at it) in our HS creative writing class.

  2. Thanks, Nicole. Remember how ahead of the curve Dacus was, 'Leave No Child Behind'-wise? Two illiterate fellow students sign up for Creative Writing, point out they cannot write, creatively or otherwise (thanks to the illiteracy) ...and are allowed to make a 'creative' video, instead. This involves, mainly, footage of jumping into chilly Lake Meridian after much cowardly hesitation (to build drama, presumably). The 'actor' jumps, splashes about, and sputters "It's cold!" which is marvelous improv. Dacus laughs her ass off, and gives them an A.
    These days, kids reserve library computers for 30-minute video game sessions. Wonder if there's a connection.

  3. There may indeed be a connection. It also makes me wonder if crappy movies are the result of students that weren't left behind.
